Deeksha Beauty Parlor

Tricho (Hair) Skin Clinic

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Lasers In Cosmetology Science

Lasers have become an integral part of modern cosmetology due to their precision, effectiveness, and versatility in various skin treatments.

Non-Surgical Face Uplift with Computer/Digital Controlled Machines

Non-surgical face uplift procedures using computer or digitally controlled machines often involve innovative technologies that harness controlled energy sources to stimulate collagen production, tighten skin, and improve overall facial appearance.

Micro-Crystal Technology

Micro-crystal technology typically refers to a method or technique that involves the use of microscopic crystals for various purposes, often in the context of skincare and cosmetic procedures. One of the most well-known applications of micro-crystal technology is in a procedure called microdermabrasion.

In microdermabrasion, a handheld device emits fine crystals, such as aluminum oxide or sodium bicarbonate, onto the skin’s surface. These crystals, propelled by air pressure, exfoliate the outermost layer of the skin, removing dead skin cells, unclogging pores, and stimulating the production of new skin cells and collagen.

7 Different Solo & Combination Peeling

Solo peeling and combination peeling refer to different approaches in skin treatments involving chemical peels.

Acne Treatment

Acne treatment involves various approaches depending on the severity, type of acne, and individual skin characteristics.

Face Tightening & Rejuvenation

Face tightening and rejuvenation encompass a range of treatments and procedures aimed at improving skin elasticity, reducing signs of aging, and enhancing overall facial appearance.

Face Treatments (Platelet-Rich Plasma)

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a treatment that’s gained popularity in various medical fields, including dermatology and hair restoration. It involves drawing a small amount of the patient’s blood, then processing it to concentrate the platelets. These platelets, rich in growth factors, are then injected into the scalp to stimulate hair growth.

Hair Transplantation

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure aimed at restoring hair in areas where hair loss or thinning has occurred. It’s typically performed to treat male pattern baldness but can also be used to address hair loss in women and for other conditions causing hair thinning or loss.

Hair Patch

A “hair patch” typically refers to a non-surgical hair replacement solution used to cover areas of hair loss or baldness. It’s also known as a hairpiece, hair system, or toupee. Hair patches or toupees come in various shapes, sizes, and materials, and they can be made of synthetic fibers or natural human hair.

Stemcell Treatment For Hair Regrowth

Stem cell therapy for hair regrowth is an innovative approach that aims to stimulate hair follicles’ growth by utilizing the regenerative potential of stem cells. The treatment involves harvesting stem cells from the patient’s body or using stem cell-derived products to promote hair growth.

GFC Treatment For Hair Fall Prevention

“GFC treatment” is not a recognized or standard term in the context of hair fall prevention or hair treatments.
However, if you meant to refer to a different treatment for hair fall prevention

Alopecia Treatment

Alopecia refers to hair loss that can occur in various forms, including Alopecia Areata, Androgenetic Alopecia (pattern baldness), and other related conditions. Treatment for alopecia can vary based on the type and severity of hair loss.

Alowpecia Areata

Alopecia areata is a common autoimmune condition characterized by unpredictable, patchy hair loss. It occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles, leading to hair loss on the scalp or other parts of the body. This condition can affect people of any age, but it often begins in childhood or early adulthood.